Dispensational Truth

Dispensational Truth

In 1918, Clarence Larkin published his seminal work Dispensational Truth, sub-titled "God's Plan and Purpose in the Ages." SwordSearcher Bible Software includes the enlarged and revised edition published in 1920.

Though Larkin's teachings on dispensational study were not new, his extensive charts painstakingly designed by hand made the material accessible and readily understandable to new readers.

Dispensational Truth consists of the following chapters:

  1. The Prophetic Word
  2. Pre-Millennialism
  3. Mountain Peaks of Prophecy
  4. The Second Coming of Christ
  5. Rightly Dividing the Word
  6. The Present Evil World
  7. The Dispensational Work of the Lord Jesus Christ
  8. The Dispensational Work of the Holy Spirit
  9. The Jews
  10. The Gentiles
  11. The Church
  12. The King
  13. The Kingdom
  14. The Spirit World
  15. Spiritism
  16. The Resurrections
  17. The Judgments
  18. Satan
  19. The Antichrist
  20. The Satanic Trinity
  21. The Four Gospels
  22. The Seven Churches
  23. The Tribulation
  24. Babylon the Great
  25. Renovation of the Earth
  26. The Covenants
  27. The Mysteries
  28. Types and Anti-Types
  29. The Three Trees to which Israel is Compared in the Scriptures
  30. The Feasts of the Lord
  31. The Offerings
  32. Dispensational Teaching of the Great Pyramid
  33. Scripture Numerics
  34. The Signs of the Times
Dispensational Truth - Mountain Peaks of Prophecy preview

About this electronic SwordSearcher edition:

This "edition" of Dispensational Truth was created by scanning each page of the printed book, running the scanned images through Optical Character Recognition software, and finally, manually proofreading and comparing the resulting text with the original printing. Larkin's extensive use of quote marks and bold text made the OCR less accurate than usual, so great care was taken to preserve as much as possible of Larkin's original formatting.

The majority of the charts from the original book were not usable as source pages for the scanning of images that appear in SwordSearcher's Image Viewer, due to their smaller size and spanning of multiple pages. Large-format copies of most of the charts were obtained and scanned with hardware designed for archiving large blueprints. The decision was made to keep most of the scanned charts in their large 400 DPI format so that the user may zoom in and inspect the details of the charts. Even so, these charts were designed almost a century ago, and in some cases detail is lacking. However, the images of Larkin's charts from Dispensational Truth in SwordSearcher are the best possible result given the source material, and are quite useful in understanding the teaching of the author. Every chart and "cut" from the chapters in Dispensational Truth is included.

Larkin's commentaries on the Book of Daniel and Book of Revelation and Rightly Dividing the Word are also part of the SwordSearcher study library.

This text is part of the SwordSearcher Deluxe Study Library.

Module type: Book
Module abbreviation: LarkinDT

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